A group of puppets joined forces to bring you their stories with hopes to be contenders in the aim to entertain and inspire.

You can find videos of Togo, Sheena, Lenny and Moe on Instagram and YouTube. In addition to skits from the core cast, other types of puppetry content and puppet-making related videos are brought to you by their rep, Lisa.

More to come in the near future, please stay tuned!

A photo of four puppets: Sheena, Moe, Togo, and Lenny.


A silhouette photo of a puppeteer and puppet facing one another.

Lisa is an artist and puppeteer who started On the Puppet Front after falling for the art form upon realizing it’s the perfect vehicle for storytelling. At last— a vehicle that can contain many other art forms as passengers! What better way to creatively travel to possible worlds?  

While On the Puppet Front’s central cast includes a group of hand & rod puppets, Lisa enjoys all types of puppetry (e.g. toy theater, tabletop, experimental puppetry, and even puppets produced from produce).

She holds a Masters degree in Library and Information Studies and a Bachelor of Arts in English, with a focus in creative writing fiction, specifically short stories. Thus, she loves developing characters, writing dialogue, and dreaming up interesting worlds. Lisa has always gravitated toward the act of creating, whether as a floral designer, fiction writer, short film maker, or guitar player. When she’s not inhabiting the puppetry space, she resides at her easel and enjoys the calm stillness of painting. She draws inspiration from music, books, and film, with a special fondness for classic movies.

As a subscriber of DIY culture, you’ll also find Lisa making some puppets and props, testing various ideas, climbing on step ladders, editing videos, and learning a lot along the way.